8 Steps to Take to Improve Your Home’s Ventilation
Air pollution is an invisible threat to your health. Most of us expose ourselves to toxic chemical vapors and irritating particles every day without realizing it. The threat often comes from inside our homes. Houses tend to trap air pollution, which gives it a chance to build up to hazardous levels. Good ventilation solves that problem. The air outside of your home is relatively clean, and you can use it to dilute the air pollution. You just need to find a few ways to bring it into your house and vent the polluted air. 1. Open Some Windows Natural ventilation isn’t the most powerful solution, but it’s usually the quickest and easiest option. Every window that you open will help ventilate your house. Polluted air will flow out of your home, and clean air will enter it. It’s a gradual process, so it’s important to leave your windows open for as long as possible. You can accelerate the process by opening your windows as widely as possible, but even a cracked window will help. This method does have a few downsides. You should try to keep your windows closed if you’re heating or cooling your home. The open windows will...
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