How To Improve Indoor Air Quality Naturally
There are several things you can do to naturally improve the air quality in your home in Thousand Oaks. Many of these cost little or nothing to accomplish. These tips will help your indoor environment’s air quality and provide relief to those with allergies. Keep It Clean Clean houses will have fewer pollutants floating around in the air. You should vacuum carpets once or twice a week using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Hard surfaces should be mopped or wiped to remove dust and dirt. If you own or buy a microfiber mop, all you’ll need is plain water to clean these surfaces. You should put a floor mat outside every exterior door. This will reduce the number of chemicals and pollutants people track inside. If you buy a large mat, people can leave their shoes on it when entering your home. Ventilate You need good airflow to have good indoor air quality. Stagnant air should be replaced with fresh air. Leave your windows and doors open when you can. If you live in a crowded city, you may need to time this carefully so you’re not letting in dirty air. Keep Your Filters Clean You should regularly...
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