Air purifiers vs Dehumidifiers
When it comes to improving your Burbank home’s air quality, there’s far more involved than simply changing the temperature. The purity, relative humidity, and smell of the air are other qualities that you should be concerned about. That’s why devices such as air purifiers and dehumidifiers are so useful to help improve the quality of your home’s air. Of course, before you can put these devices into action, it’s important to understand what they do. That’s why the HVAC professionals at offer this guide covering the differences between air purifiers and dehumidifiers. What Is an Air Purifier? Typically, an air purifier refers to a device that cleans the air throughout your entire home. Some air purifiers are smaller so that they can be used in a single room. No matter how large an air purifier is, though, it typically has three stages to remove the maximum amount of contaminants. The first stage of an air purifier is a HEPA-type filter. These are physical filters that have tightly wound fibers that capture a large majority of contaminants. The second stage of an air purifier utilizes activated charcoal that has a static charge. Thanks to this static charge, any small contaminants that...
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