When Is It Time to Upgrade a Furnace?

Furnace Replacement in Burbank, CA

Furnaces have an average life span of 15 to 20 years. Once yours gets close to that point, you need to watch for signs that you should replace it. As your heater ages, it becomes less energy efficient, which can cause your heating bills to go up.

Homeowners in the Burbank, California, area should contact Air Max HVAC for an evaluation of their homes to determine if they need upgraded heating systems. It’s important to know some of the signs of a failing furnace, the benefits of replacing your heating system, and considerations for choosing the right type.

Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Aging Furnace

As an aging furnace begins to degrade, there are certain signs that you may notice. These can all be present, but there’s a chance that only some will be evident at certain times. The changes may occur slowly, so you might not realize what’s happening at first.

Strange Noises

As components in the furnace wear out and fail, strange noises will start to come from the unit. These can sound like rattling, squealing, or banging when the furnace is operating. Sometimes, there may be a burning smell accompanying a sound, which is one of the signs that requires immediate attention.

Yellow Burner Flame in a Natural Gas Furnace

A natural gas furnace should have a blue flame if it’s functioning properly. A unit that’s not will likely have a yellow flame, which is a sign of the presence of carbon monoxide. A yellow flame is a serious safety hazard that should be addressed immediately.

Rising Energy Bills

Older furnaces are likely to operate at 60% to 80% efficiency, so they will consume more electricity or fuel. As a furnace ages, it will have to work harder to produce the same level of heat as a newer unit. You will likely notice an increase in your heating bills, especially if you look back at the same time period from previous years.

Increased Repair Frequency and Costs

Another sign that a furnace upgrade is necessary is that you’re calling for repairs often. This may gradually get more frequent over the span of a few years. The problem is typically components that are wearing out, breaking, or failing. The cost will continue to increase if components become harder to find, so it’s often best to upgrade to a new furnace to prevent those expenses.

Benefits of Upgrading Your Furnace

Upgrading a 20-year-old heater that’s having problems has several benefits. You may notice some of these benefits right away, but it may take time for you to see others. Some of the more evident benefits include the following.

Enhanced Comfort Control

A new furnace will function properly, so it can keep your entire home comfortable. With your old furnace, you likely noticed spots in your home that were cooler. Those spots should be heated evenly once the new furnace is working. During the installation, our verification of duct and vent locations should ensure even heating. In order to improve comfort, consider a smart thermostat that you can set for a consistent temperature. You can also set the program to adjust the temperature based on when you’re home and when you’re away. This can also help to keep energy costs under control.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Since the unit is operating efficiently and meets current standards, the cost of keeping your home heated should be lower than with the old unit. You likely won’t have to change any of your heating habits to notice a change in your home’s heating costs. Saving more money may be possible if you take additional steps, such as increasing the insulation in your home.

Lowered Repair Costs

You’ll have the cost of the new furnace and installation to think about, but you won’t have to worry about the exorbitant repair costs that you had with the old unit. Over time, that can save you considerable money. You won’t have to pay for parts and labor on repairs. Additionally, the new unit will be under warranty, so you’ll be able to save money during the warranty period as long as you ensure a qualified professional is the only person who works on the furnace.

Better Indoor Air Quality

An improvement in indoor air quality is likely with the installation of the new furnace. Filtration systems on newer furnaces have improved considerably from what was standard on furnaces even 20 years ago. Since the unit is new and clean, you won’t have particulates from the older unit moving through the system. You can also enhance your home’s indoor air quality by using a whole-house filtration system.

Factors to Consider When Upgrading

A few considerations are critical when you’re choosing a new furnace for your home. Because this is a major investment, you must ensure that you choose the best option that will keep the temperatures consistent in an energy-efficient manner. Our team at Air Max HVAC can explain the options that are suitable for your home.

Furnace Type

The source of energy for the furnace is one of the primary considerations when you need to choose a new one. The two most common types are electric and natural gas. This will typically depend on what type of unit you had before, unless you’re willing to go through the process to change to a new energy source, which can be quite expensive.

Size and Layout of Your Home

The square footage and layout of your home determine the size of the replacement furnace you need. Getting a unit that’s the proper size is critical because a unit that’s too small will have to work almost constantly to keep the home warm. A unit that’s too large will waste considerable energy. Choosing a furnace that’s the right size enables the furnace to work efficiently to warm your home to the chosen temperature without wearing the components out too quickly.

Rebates and Other Incentives

Rebates and other incentives can help offset some of the costs of the unit and installation. There are certain criteria that must be met for a furnace to be eligible for a rebate or another financial incentive. These programs aren’t always present, so be sure to check at the time that you’re making the purchase.

Contact Air Max HVAC for Furnace Installation and Service

Replacing a furnace is much easier when you’re working with knowledgeable heating services professionals. Our team at Air Max HVAC is here to help you choose a furnace that will work for your home. We’ll install it and ensure that everything is done properly. You can also turn to us for other HVAC services. We handle the installation, replacement, maintenance, and repair of air conditioning systems, furnaces, heat pumps, and mini-split units. We also conduct home energy audits and have a full line of indoor air quality options, such as humidifiers, dehumidifiers, ventilation, air purification, germicidal lights, and filtration.

Contact our team today to set up your appointment with one of our Burbank, CA, experts.

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