14 Best Indoor Plants to Promote Healthy Indoor Air Quality

HVAC Equipment in Burbank, CA

Indoor air quality is an important theme that must be addressed in each home, especially with the increasing number of people who spend their time inside. Indoor plants are great ways for homeowners to improve the air quality of their households. The following are some of the best indoor plants that can promote healthy indoor air quality.

1. Ficus Benjamina

The Ficus Benjamina is one of the most commonly used houseplants in homes. The plant grows in sunny places. It can grow up to three feet, and its leaves are dark green and glossy. This plant has very few pest problems, which makes it an ideal indoor plant that can help improve indoor air quality.

2. Peace Lily

The peace lily is another popular houseplant that can help improve the indoor air quality of a home or office. The houseplant has beautiful, hanging leaves that are bright green, and it grows very fast, reaching a length of up to two feet within a year. This plant will thrive indoors with proper care, but homeowners need to know how to care for this plant properly in order not to kill the plant’s roots due to overcrowding or lack of water.

3. Dracaena Marginata

The Dracaena marginata is a popular houseplant found in places with lots of light and warm weather. The plant grows up to two feet, and its leaves are bright green in color and glossy. This plant does not require much care, so homeowners or office workers in Burbank can take care of it without needing assistance from an expert or professional.

4. Ficus Elastica

The Ficus elastica is also one of the best indoor plants that can help promote healthy indoor air quality because this plant thrives in all types of conditions, regardless of the weather outdoors. The Ficus elastica has shiny leaves that are dark green and that are very flexible, making it ideal for hanging baskets, vases, or other decorative purposes indoors. The Ficus elastica does not require much water, so it can be kept in pots that don’t have drainage holes.

5. Tiger Bark Ficus

The tiger bark Ficus is another plant that can help improve the indoor air quality of a home or office. This plant can thrive in areas that are very dry or very hot. The plant leaves are very dark green, and they have a glossy appearance, making them look attractive and appealing to homeowners and office workers. The tiger bark Ficus does not require much care, so it is suitable for people who do not have time to properly care for their plants due to work schedules or other commitments.

6. Aloe Vera

The Aloe vera plant is suitable for indoor use because it can tolerate low light levels and hot temperatures. This houseplant is a popular succulent plant that grows slowly but that can survive for long periods, making it ideal for indoor use. The leaves of this plant are very flexible, and they do not have any spines, which is another benefit that makes the Aloe vera a good houseplant to have in any home or office environment. Aloe vera also has medicinal properties so that it can be used as a natural remedy for various health issues such as headaches or back pain. It is often used to treat burns.

7. English Ivy

The English ivy plant is suitable for indoor use because this plant can tolerate low light levels and hot temperatures. This makes the English ivy an ideal houseplant to have indoors with people who live in apartments or other small homes where there might not be enough space for a full-grown tree or plant. The English ivy can be placed in any room of your home, and it will grow very quickly. It is recommended to keep it in a corner with plenty of light.

8. Peace Lily

The peace lily is an ideal houseplant because it has a long lifespan, making this plant suitable for indoor use. You can keep this houseplant indoors or outdoors, and its leaves and stems are both edible. You can use the leaves to make salads or chop them up to add them to your food for extra flavor. The peace lily’s flowers are also edible, and they are very fragrant, so you can use the flowers in foods such as salads or desserts.

9. Pothos

The Pothos plant is suitable for indoor use because it will not grow very tall, and it is also suitable for outdoor use. You can keep this plant indoors or outdoors, and its long lifespan makes it an ideal houseplant to have in any home. The Pothos can be used in many different ways. For example, you can use the leaves to make a potpourri or use the stems and roots of this plant as a natural air purifier.

10. Spider Plant

The spider plant is a wonderful houseplant because it does not need to be watered often, and it also does not need to be pruned regularly. It is also very easy to take care of, making it simple to keep this plant in your home. The spider plant is also an ideal houseplant because its leaves are edible and have a light minty flavor. You can keep this plant indoors or outdoors. Its long lifespan makes it one of the best houseplants for indoors.

11. Sword Fern

The sword fern is an ideal houseplant because it is easy to look after and can grow up to 12 inches in height. This plant has very long leaves, which will make a great addition to any home. You can keep this plant indoors or outdoors, and it is very easy to care for. The sword fern has a beautiful green color and will be an ideal addition to any home or office.

12. Money Plant

The money plant helps to improve indoor air quality, and it will also help improve the quality of your indoor environment. This plant is also very easy to take care of, and it does not need to be watered often. This plant is ideal for people allergic to houseplants because it has no scent. The money plant is a superb houseplant because its leaves can be used as a decorative element in your home or office.

13. Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm is a great houseplant because it can grow up to 24 inches, and it has a very long lifespan. It also requires little maintenance but still provides you with great benefits that you can enjoy in your home or office. The bamboo palm is an ideal houseplant because it helps to add color to your surroundings, making this plant one of the best options for indoors.

14. Snake Plant

The snake plant is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, and it is a houseplant that grows with a succulent leaf. The snake plant will stay green throughout the year. It will make your indoor air quality better.

Contact the Professionals

At Air Max HVAC, we offer professional indoor air quality audits, air purification, ventilation, and other indoor air quality services. Our certified technicians can also install, maintain, and repair your air purification, cooling, or heating system, so you need not worry about maintaining your air quality or comfort. To learn more about our services offered throughout Burbank and the surrounding areas or to schedule an appointment with one of our indoor air quality experts, please contact us today.
