Controlling Static Electricity in Your Home

February 18, 2019

During cold weather, you may notice your hair standing on end or a shock coming from everyone you touch. This is because the dry, cold air of winter is the perfect environment for static electricity to form. It can be hard to eradicate static electricity entirely, but there are ways to eliminate the conditions that are most likely to create it. Humidifiers vs. Dehumidifiers Humidifiers add moisture to the air while dehumidifiers pull moisture out of it. If you live somewhere with very humid summers, you may find using a dehumidifier helpful in preventing mold, but it’s not recommended for use in an arid climate. The addition of a humidifier is a smart choice if you live somewhere with cold, dry winters or hot, dry summers. In addition to minimizing static in the air, a humidifier can help alleviate dry throat and nasal cavities, chapped lips, dry and itching skin, and even warping and cracking in wood furniture. Other Ways to Minimize Static Electricity in the Home While using a humidifier is the most effective way to reduce the amount of static generated in your home, there are other ways to make your residence more comfortable. If possible, go barefoot...

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HVAC Systems: An Introduction

February 9, 2019

Although the majority of the developed world makes use of HVAC systems, the deeper workings of these machines are broadly unknown to the public. HVAC is short for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and almost every home makes use of one of the related systems. Heating and Air Conditioning Most heating systems are derived from the usage of a furnace. These days, they most often use combustion gases that feed into a heat exchanger. Meanwhile, the air that flows through your home naturally is directed over this heat exchanger before feeding into a system of ducts that distributes the warmed heat. This is known as “central heating” and supplies heat to millions of homes around the world. Central air conditioning uses the same systems to save space in your walls. The heat exchanger will instead cool before the same flow of air is dispersed through the home’s duct system. Some air conditioning systems use supercooled gases to ensure that the air is briskly cold before it flows through your vents. Problems with this part of your home’s utilities may result in a temperature that doesn’t stabilize or follow the direction of your thermostat. Working on these parts of your home...

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What’s the Difference Between HVAC and AC?

January 26, 2019

For many people, the terms HVAC and AC may seem as though they are interchangeable. Up to a point, they are, so those people aren’t entirely wrong. You just have to remember that one category is a subset of the other. Let’s take a look at what these acronyms actually mean. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. This makes it an all-encompassing term for the different types of equipment intended to keep your home’s temperature at a comfortable level and the air in healthy circulation. It pertains to the system as a whole. AC, on the other hand, refers only to the air conditioning component of this system. Alternatively, an air conditioning unit may stand alone. A Broad Assortment of Air Conditioning Equipment There are many types of air conditioning systems available. The most common, especially in larger homes, is central air. This kind of built-in system will cool an entire house. The design requires planning since it is dependent on the size of the space. Ductless, mini-split systems are often used when a building or part of it is retrofitted. Much like central air systems, these have a compressor outdoors and handling units inside. Since you can...

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Is a Humidifier Necessary During the Winter?

January 16, 2019

When the temperatures start to drop in winter, so does the humidity level. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs because cold air has a hard time holding on to moisture. Here in Southern California where the air is fairly dry, whole-house humidifiers might be helpful. There are certain situations that call for these devices or at least call for taking alternative measures to combat dry air. The Issues of Dry Air Low humidity can cause your skin to dry out. In addition to itchiness and sensitivity, dryness can lead to increased potential for nosebleeds, coughing, and sneezing. People with allergies are more susceptible to problems because allergens more readily travel through dry air. Furthermore, wood furniture and paint can tend to dry out and even crack when the humidity levels decrease. What You Can Do One option is to install a whole-house humidifier. A representative from in Burbank, CA, is available to discuss options. There are many different sizes, capabilities, and prices to consider. These whole-house units typically inject water vapor into the existing ductwork of a forced-air system. If you’d like something a little less involved, you can get a small, portable humidifier to use in certain rooms...

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5 Most Common HVAC Issues

July 11, 2018

Airmax Heating & Air is a full-service HVAC company located in Burbank, CA. Since 2001, we have been serving Burbank, CA and the surrounding areas with a wide variety of service benefits. We understand that knowledge is power, so we are going to take a moment to talk to you about five of the most common HVAC issues that you will run into as a homeowner. If any of these issues currently afflict your household, our staff is available to schedule a service appointment. When discussing HVAC issues, we are speaking directly to the following components: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Inside your home or business, your HVAC system is what keeps you comfortable. With that being said, there is a wide variety of issue that can plague them. Listed below are the most common issues you’ll run into, but they are not the only issues. 1) Refrigerant Leaks – When speaking of the cooling system within your home, you’ll likely find that your AC unit relies on refrigerant in order to keep your building cool. When you have leaky refrigerant, your cooling system doesn’t operate at peak efficiency — thus causing your home to be stuffy and uncomfortable. 2)...

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