5 Signs That Your AC Is on the Decline

July 12, 2020

When you turn on the cooling system in your home, you expect it to do its job. An air conditioner, however, is going to show its age eventually. A well-working AC is a must in a city like Burbank, CA. While the summer weather average is in the high 80s, it can easily feel hotter since the city is situated in a valley. At , we know how important it is to keep the cooling system operating as close to 100% as possible. Here are five signs that your AC is deteriorating. 1. Hot Air Is Produced Instead of Cold A cooling unit is supposed to produce cold air. If it ever generates warm or hot air, this is a sign that something is wrong. An AC unit might produce hot air or no cold air because the compressor is no longer working properly. The refrigerant level could also be low. Regular maintenance ensures that the unit is free of debris, especially the air filter. A professional looks for leaks in and outside of the unit. He or she also looks for corrosion in the coil and on other parts. If you have been keeping up with regular maintenance and...

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Debunking Three Common Cooling Myths

May 2, 2019

Since cooling systems have been around for so long, a lot of misconceptions about them are present. There are all sorts of supposed facts people hear from others that seem reasonable but are actually false. Don’t fall victim to common cooling myths. Educating yourself about why these myths are incorrect will help you save money and improve your indoor air quality. 1. You Don’t Really Need to Pay Attention to Air Filters Air filters are more than just a way of keeping dust out of your home. They actually help to trap microscopic particles that could otherwise end up making it harder for your unit to run. People who change their filters regularly can save up to 10 percent in energy charges. 2. Any Size of AC Will Work Fine for Your Home Many people shrug off concerns about AC size by saying they’ll just run their system more or less to compensate for any differences in size. However, an incorrectly sized unit can cycle on and off more frequently or run longer than it needs to. It can actually be more inefficient for a large unit to cool a space than a small one. This tends to lead to...

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5 Most Common HVAC Issues

July 11, 2018

Airmax Heating & Air is a full-service HVAC company located in Burbank, CA. Since 2001, we have been serving Burbank, CA and the surrounding areas with a wide variety of service benefits. We understand that knowledge is power, so we are going to take a moment to talk to you about five of the most common HVAC issues that you will run into as a homeowner. If any of these issues currently afflict your household, our staff is available to schedule a service appointment. When discussing HVAC issues, we are speaking directly to the following components: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Inside your home or business, your HVAC system is what keeps you comfortable. With that being said, there is a wide variety of issue that can plague them. Listed below are the most common issues you’ll run into, but they are not the only issues. 1) Refrigerant Leaks – When speaking of the cooling system within your home, you’ll likely find that your AC unit relies on refrigerant in order to keep your building cool. When you have leaky refrigerant, your cooling system doesn’t operate at peak efficiency — thus causing your home to be stuffy and uncomfortable. 2)...

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